COVID-19 Procedures


We are back in person

We are loving seeing all of our students back in person!

  • We have worked with all the venues we are partnered with to ensure everyone’s safety and compliance with COVID-19 requirements

  • We have put in place our own risk assessment and each venue has a risk assessment for lettings. All venues will be adhering to stringent cleaning and hygiene standards and New Groove Creative will be using additional measures

  • Where we need to, we will cap the numbers in a class to ensure everyone’s safety


Virtual Studio info

Our virtual studio is currently closed and we are so happy to be back in person. However, should guidelines change, We have a few steps to ensure your health & safety when dancing at home

Please follow these steps to set up your dance space:

1. Clear space in your house for dancing - remember to move furniture/ breakables as needed. 

2. Download Zoom for free onto a device of your choice - simply go to or the app store (We encourage using a large screen and device that has a front facing camera and mic) 

For Mac/Windows - and select the first option entitled: Zoom Client for meetings For phone/tablet - click on your devices App store and search for Zoom and download 

3. Ensure you’ve read and agreed to the online distance statement below.

4. Once Zoom is downloaded on your device and you have made your account your meeting link will be sent via email to join your live-streamed classes 

5. Make sure that your video is on. Please keep yourself muted 

6. The waiver form below must be completed before attending. Simply click the tab to open and complete

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Screenshot 2020-05-05 at 19.00.46.png


PLEASE DO NOT COME TO CLASS if you or your family have any symptoms of COVID-19 or you need to quarantine following recent travel!


  • Please be fully aware of current Government guidance and requirements regarding your and your family’s health regarding recent travel

  • Please DO NOT arrive for class early. We need to manage students in and out of the class room and you will not be able to enter the venue until the previous class has evacuated the room and the areas have been cleaned and sanitised

  • Only students booked for the class will be permitted into the venue. Parents will need to drop and go and collect at class finish time

  • Everyone attending any New Groove Creative classes will be asked to wash their hands before class and sanitise using our hands-free sanitising stations before and after classes (child friendly sanitiser)

  • All New Groove Creative students will be asked to use our 'catch it, bin it, kill it' policy 

  • JUNIOR CLASSES - the Class Instructor or Class Assistant will meet students at the 'Entrance' point to the venue and similarly, after class, children will be taken to the designated 'Exit' door for parents to collect. Parents should wait at the designated 'Exit' area wearing a face covering and remember to practice social distancing from other waiting parents

  • ADULT CLASSES - The venue will use a 1-way system for entrance and exit to classes. Entrances will be through the main entrance to the building and exit will be out of the allocated exit door (see signs)

  • All students should come dressed ready for class and bring their own drink, preferably water  

  • Access to any other space at the class venue is not permitted. Students need to go straight to and from class

  • Face masks are not compulsory in dance classes but students may wear them if it is their personal choice

  • Doors and windows will be open to allow ventilation and at the start and end of class, any doors that need to be opened/closed will be done so by the teacher ONLY thus minimising hand contact to all door and window handles

  • Markers will be placed on the floor to help students maintain the appropriate distance during class

  • Class Instructors will be 2m from the front of the class

  • Class Instructors will ensure choreography is designed to ensure there is no personal contact and to maintain social distancing.  Floor work will be avoided

  • There will be no touching, hugging or high-fiving – we have all found loads of ways to greet each other, so let’s see what you’ve got!

  • The class room must be vacated promptly at the class finish time to allow for students to leave safely and for the space to be cleaned and sanitised appropriately before the next class commences

  • All members must complete the Track & Trace form below before attending classes



Each venue is different in terms of the location, access and size of the class space we use.  The above is general guidance, but there may be additional requirements at your particular class venue.  Please pay close attention to any instructions you receive at your class. New Groove Creative office will communicate any additional information to parents by email

Catch it bin it kill it image.jpg